An online course that will teach you how to Understand Human Values Design of self, nature & existence
Why This Training?
Why to live? How to live?
  Are two big questions that remain unanswered for most of us. How do I get answers to these questions that are cornerstones of all our efforts?
Are we satisfied & happy with our relationships with family, friends and colleagues at work?
  How do we feel about local and global problems around us? Individually, whatever we have done so far, did we decide them for ourselves, or were we merely acting on external influences?
 These are some of the intriguing questions that need our attention as they often get diluted in the business of life but are often the most important questions. This workshop takes a distinctive approach in helping participants gain clarity about their relationships with everything around them.
Before you start this course, we suggest you to Self Evaluate.
Self-Analysis Self Audit on exploring your relationships with 6 levels.
Human Aspiration : Happiness & Prosperity
Explore the fundamental quest of every human being i.e. Happiness & Prosperity. Unlock the 2 key questions How to Live & Why to Live?
6 levels Aspects of Human Relationships
Discover the 6 aspects of Human Living – Body, I Family, Society, Nature & Existence.
Understanding Body & Self
Distinguish the needs of Body & Self. Understand self and unlock the Power of CHOICE.
Understanding Family – 9 Values
Explore the 9 core values and feelings i.e. Trust, Respect, Affection, Care, Guidance, Reverence, Glory, Gratitude, & Love.
Understanding – Society – 5 levels of work
Explore & Understand the 5 core society work and the right goal of each work – Production, Distribution, Education, Medical & Justice.
Understanding Nature 4 Orders
Understand the 4 orders of Nature – Material, Plant, Animal & Human -& its Form, Affect, Nature, Innate & co-existence.
Understanding Existence
Observe the Existence in form of Space & Units. And ultimate co-existence as Existence.
Choosing – Relationships & Organization for a happier self
Exploring various Human choices in different situations. Learn the fundamental context. Analyse the context the best & worst of people who walked the planet.
Cases – Decision making on the basis of right understanding.
Self Reflect your life and make choices on the basis of right understanding and unlock the key to Happier Self.
Post Training Self Analysis
Self reflect the Transformation. Do the same self evaluation to quantitively & qualitatively see the difference.
One methodology, a wide range of practical applications
Participants use our methodologies in diverse ways with applications spanning apart from understanding life
New Identities you can see developing in yourself

Harmonious Being
Conflict Resolver
Seeing yourself as a co-existence of everything
Responsible Citizenry
Natural Accountability to take care of every thing around you
Natural Responsibility for Helping others
A sense of Freedom
Lifetime Usage 

Moment by Moment rightful choices
Work Collaboratively
Cause Effective Leadership
Purposeful Life
Contributing to others massively
Transform from Fear to Freedom
Meet Your Educator
Varun Chamadiya
Mr Varun is the Founder of Proactive ‘l’ an education & innovation company. Its mantra is to Democratize Excellence. Proactive ‘I’ conduct workshops for students, teachers, families & corporates on Life Skills called the 8 building blocks. World class educators such as Dr. Edward De Bono, Tony Buzan, Richard Bandler, Anthony Robbins, Prof. Ganesh P Bagaria, etc, are major contributors to the body of knowledge used. Mr. Varun Chamadiya has the privilege of being trained with many of them.
Yes, This course is offered completely free of cost. We do not charge for this course.
You have lifetime access, no limits!
Yes, you’ll get a verifiable Proactive I certificate of completion when you finish the course.
The Intention of both method is to master the 7 outcomes of Make Academics a cakewalk. In the offline version (Live Events) the energy and group participation is much higher. And in the online course one gets the freedom to do any time any place. Both have their advantages.
We’re so confident you’ll love it, we want you to be able to try it risk-free. If you don’t like it, send an email to support@proactivei.in and we’ll give you a full refund.
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